Genealogical research is the tracing of an individual's ancestral history using historical records, both official and unofficial, such as:
Census Records
Vital Records (birth certificates, adoption records, death certificates, marriage and divorce records, etc.)
City Directories
Newspaper notices (birth notices, marriage notices, obituaries)
Probate Records (Wills, etc.)
Land Records/Real Estate Records
Military Records
Immigration and Naturalization Records
and more
This book is about a journey. Its goals are to inspire other fellow travelers while sharing with them the knowledge I gained on how to conduct a genealogical research, starting from zero. The realization that one is only a link in a long chain and the pressing need to find the missing connections are so unique, and personal, that no one story is like another while at the same time, so universal that each one can find pieces of himself in other people journeys...
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