This booklet is a presentation of our beliefs and practices is intended to serve as a basis for
introducing the Assembly Of Christian Israelites to the world in general; and to demonstrate that it is
the premier standard bearer of true primitive "Apostolic Culdee Christianity".
It is written specifically for all true Israelite people who have never heard it preached or taught
as well as those who have but wish to know more about our historical roots and our doctrinal
foundations as well as the practices which separate us from mainstream "Judaeo-Christian" churches
and their ministries.
We have prepared this book for those few remnant; of the true House Of Israel; who in Yahuah's
providence and by the work of evangelism and reformation are searching and perhaps considering
whether or not to become members of the One True Assembly.
As for those folks who have never heard Apostolic Culdee Christianity preached, you will be
shocked as you learn that what passes for Scriptural theology in today's "Judaeo-Christian" churches
bears little resemblance to the faith delivered to the Saints and taught by the Apostles of The King Of Kings.
The doctrines of Apostolic Culdee Christianity A.C.I.] taught in the Assembly Of Christian Israelites
are carefully backed by Scriptural exegesis and anyone who reads this book and studies the theology
presented; will be forever changed into a revolutionary soldier of Yahshua, our Messiah and King of