This landmark investigation of child labour explores difficult conceptual and public policy issues. It demonstrates the sheer prevalence of the commercial exploitation of child labour in both industrial and developing countries, and its rapid growth today under the twin pressures of mass poverty and the globalized marketplace for labour.
In addition to its rich empirical material from countries in Asia, Latin America, Africa and Europe, the following approaches stand out: The clear distinction made between the socialization of children through labour within the family and their economic exploitation for profit; The analysis illuminating the transition between these two phenomena that is now proceeding apace; An analytical focus on the role of adults with responsibility for children, and the specific form which paternal domination takes towards children; The very difficult issues of public policy that have to be faced. At a time when there is more awareness of the exploitation of children than previously, this compelling volume gives us not only a moving portrait of children's exploitation, but the tools needed to understand its roots and what, given the political will, needs to be done.