Divorced, Separated and Single Parents can manage all aspects of co-parenting in one easy planner. Keep detailed records and long term planning easily organized in this three year daily journal. This 36 month edition begins July 1, 2019, covers all of 2020, 2021 and finishes June 30 of 2022.
This Planner Includes:
Years of Child Support tracking
Worksheets to log 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 transactionsLog scheduled payments, arrears payments, and interest paymentsWrite down transaction details and totalsKeep a record of current child support due36 months of children's Custody/Visitation Calendars
Calendars include Custody vs. Visitation visuals to easily track changes in children's physical placementNotate which parent picks up or drops offDesignate time and location of meeting locationEasily calculate and log hours per month of visitation vs. primary custodyLog percentage of visitation and primary physical custody hoursLog monthly overnights36 Months of additional Personal Monthly Calendars
A second 3 year monthly calendar set for your personal monthly scheduleKeep children's and parent calendars separateMoon phases365 Daily Entries each year
Each days' entries include space for all three years on the same page, 1095 daily entry slots2-1/2" x 2-1/2" of space per individual day for detailed daily entriesPerfect for tracking annual events and yearly changesMonthly Communication Log
Keep a daily record of video chats and phone calls.Monthly Shared Expense TrackerOrganize children's Shared Expenses
Record the expense percentage and the dollar amount owedLog the date and notes of reimbursementTrack paid payments and reimbursements owedList of Yearly Holiday Dates
2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022Easily notate primary physical custody and visitation for 4 years of holidays and special occasionsIncludes space to add birthdaysRecord Dates for Spring, Summer and Winter BreakDesignate parent claiming children as dependents by tax year
Keep accurate records with Event Tracker worksheets
Repetitive events easily and quickly recorded for personal and official recordsTrack dates of goals or behaviors on a simple check sheetJournal sized paperback planner
7" x 10" is a convenient size for desktop or carryingOver 450 pagesKeep daily, detailed records of co-parenting and parent/child interactionPerfect for accurately detailed recording of dates, events and transactionsUse as a day planner, a journal or a dairy of eventsRelated Subjects
Parenting & Relationships