The Essence Of A Woman, is a guided tour through an obstacle course of intensive challenges in K. N. Vaughn's life. It is not a mere thrill seeking, reading venture; rather it humbly signposts the way to the victor's podium that she was finally able to climb up on. Miss Vaughn, shares her strategies for coping and overcoming life's challenges, because she earnestly wants her readers, women especially, to realize that they too can find success in life without losing themselves, the most common pitfall of all.
Her persistent faith was the lifeline that kept her safe, sane and advancing along the treacherous journey. You burst out in tears of joy when she finds freedom at last. Upon reflection, you realize that you too can overcome adversity. The central message of this book is, if you are going through hell don't sit in a doldrum of despair, whimpering in the dark. Cry out to God who sees and answers prayers, to make a way of escape for you and prepare in faith, for it will surely come. In the meanwhile, gather your courage to run through that escape hatch, and embrace a bold, beautiful and resilient new life that God has in store for you.