This bilingual anthology brings together a collection of Spanish entremeses, the comic interludes that were performed between the acts of a comedia. Penned by authors such as Lope de Rueda, Cervantes, Calder n, Quevedo, and Qui ones de Benavente, many of these plays appear here for the first time in English. Translated for performability, these plays create a panoramic view of one-act plays from Spain's classical theater period.
Presented with discussions of dramaturgical and performance possibilities and difficulties, including relevant historical, cultural, and social information for the plays, the collection opens with two precursors to the entrem s, moves through the breadth of the entrem s form, and concludes with works from the 18th century, including a sainete. There are also examples of trans-adaptation that show how these works can be interpreted through strong directorial concepts that relocate the plays in historical time and location.
The selected titles raise challenges to social mores and expectations, surprise with their humor, and delight with their stagecraft. Whether aimed at the classroom or the stage, the collection is valuable for research, pedagogy, and performance.