In an ever changing world, things which once didn't seem possible are now becoming an inevitability.
It's impossible to know what's just around the corner.
The End of the World is the ultimate companion to aid survival. It offers maximum protection in multiple areas which could just save someones life.
Whether it's a Natural Disaster, Nuclear Strike, Armageddon or even a fictitious Zombie Apocalypse... This guide is packed with vital information to enable the reader to be fully prepared for any eventuality.
In this book, James Brooks presents the most valuable and important survival skills to use in any scenario. The reader will be able to compile the best survival strategy for optimum results.
Even if there isn't a disaster, this comprehensive guide contains numerous skills which can be applied to general life.
It will allow the reader to learn numerous skills such as:
- What items should be stored
- Different options for transportation
- Weapon options to consider
- General survival skills and plans for anything to happen.
- Basic first aid
- How to be alert and ready
And so much more...
This guide will be the perfect addition to any bookshelf and will be ready when the reader needs it the most.