"Beneath the moon's unsettling gaze,
Lurk secrets shrouded in cosmic haze.
Eldritch whispers, maddening cries,
From ancient realms where darkness lies.
So heed the warning, mortal soul,
For in Caligo tales, dread takes its toll.
A universe vast, ancient and dire,
Where madness burns like unholy fire."
In the vast expanse of existence, beyond the confined veil of human perception, lie horrors so profound that to glimpse them is to court madness. The abyss stares back, and those who dare peer into its depths find themselves ensnared in a symphony of cosmic dread, where the stars whisper tales of ancient despair.
Now my friends, are you brave enough to walk through the flames? Enter the threshold of evil? Or can you face the malevolence of the fearsome entity known as Ms. Grace?
These are the Elder Earth Anthologies.