The Derelict Heart by Don Gutteridge is a beautiful and heartbreaking collection of poems. The poems span the author's lifetime; from a boy discovering nature to an adolescent with a crush on girls and on to his adulthood and blissful marriage. Gutteridge's poems vividly and succinctly capture moments and feelings such as the joy of falling in love, the serenity of a summer's day and the despair felt at life's unfairness. Most of the poems are loving tributes to the author's beloved wife and cherished grandson who have both passed away. Memories of everyday life are shared as well as poignant recollections of what Gutteridge loved most about his late wife and grandson. Gutteridge lovingly recalls happy and carefree times spent with his wife and grandson and describes the anguish he feels now living without them. All of the poems in this collection are exceptional but the poems on grief and loss were the most impactful for me. These poems are a testament to enduring love and the power of family bonds. This is a remarkable collection of poems about life, love, and loss.
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