Embark on the 50+ year journey of a clairvoyant medium as she wades through the confusion of religious programming, fighting demons, embracing angels, battling depression, and so much more in her journey to awakening. In this memoir, Bernadette Gold brings the reader on her journey from an abused empath to becoming a powerful psychic, healer, and spiritual teacher. Few spiritual books address the "Dark Night of the soul," a common experience for those who have an awakening. The Crooked Path To A Charmed Life dives deep into the difficult aspects of being sensitive, addressing real-life experiences for those on a spiritual path.
This spiritual memoir is a must-read book for empaths, highly sensitive people, and those who are experiencing a Spiritual Awakening. Bernadette Gold imparts the wisdom and knowledge she learned on her path. Without the support of a teacher, prior to the age of the internet, before books were made publicly available about spiritual awakening, she was left to forge her own path. Her path to channeling spirit, angels, and those who have crossed over, provided an initiation into the subtle realms. Filled with harrowing encounters, this story takes the reader on the author's journey through healing her childhood wounds and trauma, relationship abuse, and overcoming cancer, finally experiencing wholeness, and personal empowerment.
The Crooked Path To A Charmed Life guides the reader through what she learned about:
The Crooked Path To A Charmed Life is a real-life account of overcoming abuse, initiation into the spiritual realm, and personal transformation.
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