In March of 2008, a tumour the size of a grapefruit was found resting on twenty-five-year-old actor and comedian Daniel Stolfi's heart. The diagnosis: stage III acute non-Hodgkin's T-lymphoblastic lymphoma, an aggressive form of cancer that would require equally aggressive chemotherapy treatment over the next two years of his life. Funny, right? In this engagingly witty, raw, inspirational, heartfelt and hilarious memoir, Stolfi recounts his unique experience of battling through two years of treatment while finding humour, hope and love in places he never could have imagined. Stolfi takes the reader on a roller-coaster ride of emotions, delving into relationships, family, career and the challenges of navigating the healthcare system at the ripe old age of twenty-five. He reveals who he was before the Big C, what led him to his diagnosis and how he got through it all with the support of his family, friends and his desire to get on stage and make people laugh again. In The Comedian vs Cancer, Stolfi shows us that determination, humour and love can get you through any of the adversities life may throw your way.