For seven centuries, Chiang Mai has been the center of a lively culture and
civilization in the hills of what is now northern Thailand. Owing to widespread
literacy and an energetic intellectual life, these Thai frequently have
written histories. One of the most important of these, the Chiang Mai
Chronicle, was written in 1827 to explain the growth and strength of the
Kingdom of Lan Na which Chiang Mai dominated, and to foresee a glorious
future in the aftermath of the terrible devastation of a generation of warfare.
This edition of The Chiang Mai Chronicle was prepared from a palm-leaf
manuscript in the personal collection of Dr. Hans Penth of Chiang Mai. The
manuscript was transcribed by David Wyatt and translated with the active
assistance of Aroonrut Wichienkeeo. Extensive indexes and annotations
assist the reader, and a dozen maps have been drawn especially for this
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