As an international healthcare facility planner, I have come to several conclusions about human evolution:
The First Human Evolution of unlimited growth and greed that began in Africa 2.5 million years ago has run its course.
The Second Human Evolution that will ensure a sustainable existence for all as good stewards of our fragile planet has not yet begun.
We are now stuck in the Suspended Human Evolution where colossal global problems are getting worse by the hour.
Waiting to see what happens or not doing anything is a fool's gambit, and "killing for peace" through another horrific world war would be so destructive to all life on Earth that there would not be much left for the survivors to enjoy.
The alternative presented in this book is:
The Care for Peace Manifesto-A Global Mandate to utilize our unlimited human potential, known methodologies, science, and technologies, to secure the Second Human Evolution in perpetuity.
The premise is that if we care enough about peace, then we must actively take care of peace.
To care for peace isn't some fantasy; it's already being done.
Every nurse, caregiver, parent, and service provider knows that the most wonderful and long-lasting kind of peace there is occurs while they care for others. If they can do it, so can you.
Your contribution can help on a global scale. And where should you begin?
First, you must recognize that there is no global process to address the existential crises facing humanity today.
You will begin by learning about what it takes to plan, design, and implement our next evolutionary stage - The Second Human Evolution. The process is the solution. Order your copy now