The Book of Lulu
By: Debra Lee
The Book of Lulu is dedicated to the biker cat lover who appreciates humor and wisdom. It started with a whisper in Debra Lee's ear while driving home, nudging her to the animal shelter. The shelter was closing, and the building condemned. Only a small shed with a sick dog, a pregnant cat, and a cat named Lulu remained. She just needed to rescue a cat. Little did Debra know, Lulu would rescue her. She took Lulu home that day, and the journey began.
The Book of Lulu is a story of diving deep into the soul where the whispers live. A story of acceptance, letting go, and moving on.
About the Author
Debra Lee is an artist, yoga instructor, and a reiki healer. She was inspired to paint pictures of her cat Lulu riding motorcycles. After painting thirteen paintings, a story evolved, and The Book of Lulu became real. Debra lives in Westchester, New York.
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