Now in its nineth edition, this compilation includes quotes from everyone - Shakespeare to Suarez, Camus to Cantona, Busby to Beckham - who has made an apt, pithy or comical comment about football. And not just footballers and managers either - fans, pundits, groundsmen, directors and wives all get to have their say too. Every subject is covered - from tactical debates to changing lifestyles - to produce a sometimes hilarious and always thought-provoking commentary on the game. Anyone who thought 'sick as a parrot' and 'over the moon' was as profound as it got, will be pleasantly surprised by the elegance and insight on display. Contributions include gems from all the old masters: Cloughie, Tommy Docherty, Jimmy Greaves, George Best and the best of the very latest wit and wisdom to be caught in print or on tape.
'Footballers are no different from human beings' Graham Taylor 'It's a very well-run outfit from Monday to Friday. It's Saturdays we've got a problem with' Lawrie McMenemy on Southampton 'What I said to them at half-time would be unprintable on the radio' Gerry Francis 'Football hooligans? Well, there are 92 club chairmen for a start' Brian Clough