Ramanamma Me, ramanamma You. Ramanamma We, ramanamma Who?
That may seem to be a nonsense rhyme. However, it is a message that is so profound that only a very few can understand its true meaning.
Remove the Ramanamma and you are left with Me, You, We, Who? This asks in a very succinct way: Who are we?
Why bother hiding this in a nonsensical way? The fun is simply in the discovery and the nonsense of how I hid it from you.
Tools have been provided for us to discover our real identity and purpose in life. I will present these to you in three stages, in three books. This is book one.
The books form part of a larger plan, a plan set up by our creator. The books are just a small but equally important step in the discovery of who we are and what the purpose of life has been.
This message will only be understood by those who have already been selected to receive it. It may be immediate, or it could take a week, a month, or even a year. As you will discover, this is not up to you or me, and it never has been.
Book 1 is the opening statement on what is to follow. So, what will follow? A revelation not new, but said in a way that a child of the 21st century can understand. It is your story, my story, and the story of a modern day creator.
About the Author: "Ramanamma Who?" lives in an ordinary house, in an ordinary town. "There is nothing extraordinary about where I came from. However, it is extraordinary where it all led."
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