This brief history of Gods and the relationships to their religions begins in prehistoric times and continues through present day.
The Bloody Hands of God begins with the many gods of the ancient world and continues with the Gods of the Eastern world, Jews, Christians, and Muslims. It concludes with the author's personal theory of the harm that the influence of religious beliefs has had on the modern world.
The book reflects the author's personal understanding of God and the universe, and how these have influenced him throughout his life.
(About the Author)
A. M. Rodio currently resides in Fort Myers, Florida. He worked as an educator and retired at age 70 from teaching history, humanities, economics and English literature at high school and college levels. His personal understanding of God and the universe inspired him to put pen to paper on this, his final work. Dr. Rodio has previously published academic papers; poetry; a historical novel, Zana, Wild Woman of the Caucasus; and a prior personal philosophy, Human Existence and the Purpose for Living.