A 95 page illustrated book for children from 6 - 12. Although children of nearly all ages will enjoy it! This is a book mainly written by children, for equally clever children, and their parents.
This is a story about Miri who has been left with the most adored and sought-after babysitter in England, while her parents go off for a luxury spa break. The babysitter is Morag, who has an unfortunate cookie-sized mole, and is actually not at all what she seems. Miri finds herself in all sorts of trouble, but has the help of Lola, her very newest, best friend, who lives hidden at Willoughby Hall - the family home. Extreme circumstances can tell you a lot about yourself, and on this weekend Miri learns just how exceptional she is. Follow Emily on Instagram for news on the next book 'The Last Master of Darkthorn Towers' @emilygricebooks or also her artists page @emilygriceart.