The Adventures of Hannah Bee, Living with Cerebral Palsy. Hannah Goes to School - this is the first book in the Hannah Bee Series which will be looking to create Cerebral Palsy and Disability Awareness in young children.
"We are all different; each and everyone of us is made unique!"
A story about accepting each other's differences, creating understanding, promoting inclusion and friendship.
This is a story about a young girl as she navigates life whilst living with Cerebral palsy. The challenges she faces as well as the way she will overcome them. It is aimed at children from preschool upwards as it is important for young children to be exposed to children with disabilities. Children are not born biased, they are born with the capacity for empathy which needs to be nurtured and this book is the perfect way to start an age appropriate conversation about disability, special needs and acceptance. We need to instill in children from a young age that it is ok to be friends with children that are different, who look different, walk different or speak differently. They still might like the same things and have alot in common.
There are a few themes to this book;
mainly to create Cerebral Palsy Awareness, Inclusion, Kindness, Diversity, Empathy, Special Needs, Reduce Stigma.A great book to have in classrooms, Libraries or for parents to read with children. Explains CP in very simple terms. Educational for both children and adults alike. The back page is also specifically for Parents, Care Givers and Educators, it gives some conversational tools to assist with the awkward questions' children may ask, or the embarrassing way they may point out that someone is different.
This book will also help to support the work done by:
Hannah Bee Support Group in Gaborone, Botswana. Hannah Bee is an organisation started by a group of parents with the aim of raising Cerebral Palsy Awareness in Botswana. One of our projects is the hosting of a support group for families of children with disabilities, not limited to Cerebral Palsy. Our goal is to provide social support, and to foster advocacy in the community, and nation of Botswana.
For further info on this you can find us on
Facebook: Hannah Bee.
Instagram: @Hannahbee2016
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