Kasi Jo (Dinger) Christopher is the happy stay-at home mother of her two greatest inspirations. Born in the piney woods of East TX, she has always been drawn to the beauty of nature. With God at the forefront of her life, and a passion for serving her family, Mrs. Christopher enjoys the simplicity of living - whether that is preparing a home-cooked meal, volunteering at her church, taking a crisp autumn walk with her family, or laying in the grass just watching the clouds go by! She has degrees focusing on both sign language interpreting and psychology; and through her time at university, was heavily influenced by English and literature. It has always been her dream to pen a series of children's stories, and that long-held desire was only further motivated as her family grew. Watching one big-hearted kid and a fearless toddler navigate their daily escapades, Kasi Jo had more than enough muse to put pen to paper. Moved by the imaginations of her adventurous Iittles, "Donovan T. Frog" practically "hopped" right onto the page! This is hopefully the first of many children's stories she and her family can share.
Cameron W. Dinger is the older brother to author Kasi Jo and a father to two Iittles of
his own. Cameron took a different path in life than that of his youngest sister and chose military service over university. Cameron joined the USAF in 1997 and served all over the globe until retiring in 2017! Long long before donning a uniform he learned to hold a pencil and began drawing prior to even being able to pen his own name, and he has yet to stop! Camerons life long love for artwork and the support of his family has forever pushed him toward a desire to give "life" to page be it through pencil, pen or paint. Teaming up with Kasi Jo to bring "Donovan T. Frog" into the public-eye and onto the bookshelves of children
everywhere is truly a dream turned reality. He looks forward to creating and illustrating many many more adventures in the near future!