Arlo is a boy who loves adventure. One night, he hears an odd sound coming from under his bed; to his surprise, that sound is a dragon Offering to give the dragon a home, Arlo names him Red and the two instantly become the best of friends. Later, when Red catches a wonderful scent on the wind, Arlo finds himself on a journey through scenic downtown. In an effort to track down the source of this delicious smell, Arlo and Red will encounter the best people and places that downtown has to offer, perhaps finding a sweet treat at the end of their adventure.
The Adventures of Arlo and Red is a series created by author and illustrator Caroline Merino. This book series was first inspired by Caroline's husband, Erik, who loves swords, adventures, and the color red. Then throughout the process of creating the two characters, Caroline felt a need for modern day children's books with strong, courageous, and curious young boys. Parents and children will find Caroline Merino's books filled with vibrant illustrations and subtle, yet powerful, teachable moments.