"The ABCs of Black History" is a book written by Shakeema Funchess. It is a non-fiction book that explores the history and experiences of Black people in America, with a focus on key events and figures who have shaped Black history.
The book covers a wide range of topics, including slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and the contributions of Black inventors, scientists, and artists. It is a perfect opportunity for parents to read to their kids and add personal anecdotes and reflections about their own experiences and insights into the ongoing struggle for racial justice and equality.
Overall, "The ABCs of Black History" is a thoughtful and engaging exploration of Black history that allows the readers to explore a deeper understanding of the challenges and triumphs of Black people throughout American history with age-appropriate highlights of key figures from A to Z.
We aim to celebrate those who came before and those who now triumph in their creativity and contributions to the world. This alphabet book presents iconic names that span centuries in Black History like gay activist Marsha P Johnson, abolitionist Harriet Tubman or orator W.E.B. Dubois.