Assigned to Sarah and Emily by the Master, Sariel and Ramiel are excited to begin their new journey as the little girls' protectors in the suburbs outside of DC.
Daily battles are fought hard from the snares of the enemy as they encounter evil within humanity and take action against the choices made by Sarah's and Emily's parents. Waiting for the moment that Sarah and Emily would come to the mindset of accountability, Ramiel and Sariel combat lying, gossip, sexual immorality, and a plethora of demons longing to win them over. Whether it be on the playground, at home, at school, a friend's house, or in a church building, they are constantly on guard and ready to defend from any and all directions.
When a life-changing event affects both girls, Sariel and Ramiel seek the Master, longing for answers. Not understanding the whys or how comes, they put their trust in the Master and know His plan is perfect as they continue to fulfill their duty and assignment.