With this day and age, everyone's stressing about something or someone. You have so much to worry about and bringing an infant into the world shouldn't add to your stress; your bundle of joy should and will relieve your stress with a store-like exchange among infants. The 30 Day Exchange. All parents are given a slip of paper as soon as they bring their child into the world, a paper asking if they want to participate in The 30 Day Exchange. 18-year-old, Jonah Walters, given up at birth to only be adopted and then placed in a foster home after the passing of his adopted parents and uncle, has had many questions about his upbringing since he was five.
All he wants is closure as to why his biological mother gave him up, but things aren't as simple as they may seem especially with The 30 Day Exchange being involved which is no longer legal and doesn't just affect him. One 30 Day Exchange affects two people, little does Jonah know that the person he got exchanged with was the only woman he has ever truly loved. Join Jonah on an emotional ride full of pain, deceit, friendships and most definitely love as he seeks out the answers he's been aching for practically his whole life.