We were briefly introduced to Ambrelle, aka Bre in Good Girl, Bad Habits as Keisha's cousin and one of her best friends. While Keisha was dealing with her own life and new discoveries, Bre was too, as well as her family. Let's take a dive into the Moore-Allen's side of the family tree and get to know some new faces and drama.
For starters, Bre Allen always told herself that her first relationship would be her one and only. Jemar is her first boyfriend, and she lets him lead since she's new to this, hoping he doesn't stir her wrong. She wanted this life with her boyfriend, but how much is she willing to put up and go through before she realizes it was all a mistake? Wayne Allen is Bre's oldest brother, and when it comes to making his family more official and living under one roof, he tends to drag his feet. Wayne wants to marry Aniyah, his high school sweetheart, one day, but something holds him back. Randomly Aniyah starts to put pressure on him, and he wants to do what is right for his kids, even if it's something he doesn't want to do or at least do with her. The second oldest of the Allen crew, Raquel Allen, knew she was destined to be a star or somebody really important. Once she turned eighteen, she knew she had to do whatever to break away from what she considered a generational curse; becoming a young mom and working to get by. While gaining her independence, she broke a few hearts or two, and she can't tell if it was worth it because now and then, she wonders, what if? Eric Allen, the pretty boy of the bunch and is probably the president of some die-hard Drake fan club. He's full of charm but only wants certain types of baddies around him. However, his true feelings are for someone that doesn't quite match his "preference" checklist. When everything hits the fan, he realizes heartbreak is a two-way street, and he gets the worst end of the stick he dealt out. Last but not least, we have Chianne King, who is like an honorary member of the Allen clan and known as being Bre's best friend since they were in preschool. Chianne is all about family and being loyal to those who are her day ones. And for that reason, she only likes to keep her circle small. However, when the heart wants what it wants, it makes her questionable and risks what is near and dear to her. But will it be worth it?