An army of bionic humans made up as a last ditch solution to establish peace will turn against humanity.
In the 22nd century, mankind enters into a new world war to produce the first generation of Tentorians. Cyborgs with functioning bodies and human intelligence, they are the first genuine success in the artificial improvement. In time, the Tentorians come officially to be a nation, showing more and more their true nature: blood and power-thirsty, human-bodied machines. Thus, in the 25th century, the great powers made up their minds to hunt them down all over the world and have them isolated inside a region called TENTORIA.
A Tentorian nation that will bear consequences on the past.
The action moves back in time 500 years, to the year 2024 and to a planet Earth consisting but of a piece of land surrounded by one single large ocean, and a population of 12 million people ruled by a secret organization.
" Be] ready to forget the future" (Chapter 50, page 341)
From the readers:
"The kind of book hooking you and not letting you go until finding the truth, who lies, who dies, who loves, and in particular what was really going on there "
"A narration on future...or past, on mankind's addiction to an increasingly sophisticated technology or to a straightforward achieved happiness."
"It set my mind in 'motion' and shaped an utterly unexpected vision over what our not too far future might look like."
The futuristic novel "TENTORIA" raises questions on mankind's hope of living into a concrete, non-virtual world away from the technological drug seeping deeper and deeper inside our body.