"No it would have to be wall street," another man answered. The speaker then replied, commending them both for their good answers.
"The richest place in the world is not Africa, nor is it Wall Street. It's not the diamond mines or the banks."
He went on to say, "The richest place in the world is the graveyard. There, in those graves, lie dreams never accomplished, goals never set, and a destiny never met." He continued, "The average person dies with their purpose and never meets destiny." You'll find that there are a number of reasons that people don't make it to their destinies, whether they fall victim to circumstance or they simply fold under the pressure of fear.
One thing is for sure: we are all on this road we call life trying to make it to one destination-to meet destiny. We hit these pitfalls and many stop because of adversity. I remember when I wanted to just quit and give up because of the pitfalls of depression, poverty, and insecurities. I came to the realization that I couldn't give up now. I had to be willing to face more adversity and pitfalls because destiny is not a pit stop-it is a journey. I could have given up a long time ago, but I didn't, and here I am, having a conversation with you. As you will see, it's not easy, but if you first, believe, and second, don't stop, you will make it.
This book is designed to guide you down this road we call life and help you pass by those pitfalls of the enemy; so buckle up and let's get ready to embark on this journey together. Starting route now; it's 10 miles to your destiny.