Telly Tales is the three part Trilogy of the Life and Times of Telly Owl, who like Jesus watching over His Sheep, Telly's job is to watch over the creatures of the swamp Book One Tales of the Swamp Creatures was released in 2003, Book Two, Telly Tales, Adventures, Telly has Passed on, the mantle falls on Son Thomas Telly Owl and his struggle following in his Fathers Footsteps. (2010). Telly Tales III, Telly Owl, Family and Friends, now Telly Tales, Best of Telly Owl & Frieneds concludes the Telly Owl Trilogy with the 15th Anniversary release commemorating Thomas Telly Owl's Coronation and Marriage Telly Tales II is available through B&N and Amazon.Com. For Bookings etc, write PaulDavidPowers@Yahoo.Com