There is no ideal way to find out your father is dead. For Hallie Townsend, a thirty-second news bulletin would be at the bottom of the list. But what can you do when your dad is Ellery Yates, the world's biggest fantasy writer? A fantasy writer with a best-selling series that is currently unfinished.
Now, in her position as literary executor, Hallie discovers that Ellery's world isn't all perfect prose and epic battle sequences. With the pressure of appointing another author to finish the series and the expectations of a dedicated fandom, Hallie's life has been turned on its head. The obvious choice is the illustrious Mason Parrish, a fan favourite with impressive credentials, but when Fletcher Larson, Ellery's tenacious and handsome young prot?g? gets involved, Hallie has a more difficult decision to make.
Can she finish her father's story, or will the ending die with him?