"An excellent contribution to Texas-American History shelves, Tejanos in the 1835 Texas Revolution is particularly recommended for public and college library collections."
--The Midwest Book Review
"I join others who have proclaimed MacDonald's book among the best ever to tell the much over-looked story of Tejano involvement in making Texas a free republic. It will have a special place on my bookshelf."--San Angelo Standard-Times
Not long after Mexico won its independence from Spain in 1821, hundreds of hardy frontiersmen from the United States settled in Texas after the Mexican government made them an attractive offer. Fertile land and protection by a fair and stable government were promised to anyone willing to establish a homestead in Texas, and soon more than 25,000 colonists from the United States were in Texas, forging a new life alongside their Mexican neighbors.
By 1830, however, Pres. Antonio L 1/2pez de Santa Anna had assumed dictatorial power in Mexico. His policies and those of the new "Centralist" government deliberately terrified the American colonists (Texians) and Mexicans (Tejanos) who pursued the rights originally promised to them by the Mexican government. What resulted was the Texas Revolution-the bloody battle for the Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto-effectively ending Mexican control of the province and giving rise to the Republic of Texas.
Unlike many of its predecessors in the study of the Texas Revolution, this detailed and candid history provides a focused study of the lesser-known frontiersmen and their Mexican allies, along with the women and children they protected. Rich in first-person anecdotes recounting the years leading up to the fight for the Alamo, the days spent within its walls, and its aftermath, this well-informed chronicle pays long-due attention to the often-overlooked contributions of Tejanos as well as the thirty-two volunteers from Gonzales who determinedly defended their rights. Enhanced by maps and illustrations devotedly handcrafted in leather by the author, this volume stands out as a unique examination of the cooperative struggle of the Mexicans and Americans who sought to overthrow Santa Anna's tyranny in the 1830s.