Teen Boss Diary is a guided journal that keeps your personal brand ideas and life goals chronicled, archived, and organized in one place. This light purple hardcover book is an idea organizational system, as well as gorgeous book decor! It will help any teen entrepreneur that is interested in building a personal brand business start growing their business today!
Write in the prompted journal pages for a two-page overview of how you can strategize and implement ideas for your personal brand. Date and fill out pages as often as you would like. Use the following blank pages to write, doodle, brainstorm, collage, mindmap, visualize, daydream, think, draw or simply journal whatever is on your mind. Expand on your innovation and strategies in the medium style that works for you.
Complete each set of four pages. Return to previous dates to review goals you are still working towards, goals you have achieved, or goals simply forgotten. Then, start again when you have time to sit and organize inside your Teen Boss Diary.
Teen Boss Diary is a part of the series of hardcover books with a variety of guided journaling exercises to help keep your different thoughts catalogued and archived in different areas of your life. You can choose from a variety of topics published in the series. Each hardcover book available is designed in its own unique color. When displayed on a shelf or coffee table, the series of diaries from Goal Party keep a space organized and coordinated as book decor.
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Teen & Young Adult