When Sis and Punkin fall asleep playing a game of riddles, a real game begins. The children and their dog soar on a flying carpet to a faraway town in Texas. The town and its only bank face a catastrophe.
The town banker cannot locate the bank's money. The pumpkin-headed town mayor enlists Sis and Punkin to help the banker. Teaser, a rascally critter, has a different plan. Teaser wants to find and keep the lost money.
Sis and Punkin journey through a colorfully illustrated Texas. They cross paths, clues, and riddles with a curious lot of treasure hunters. Each stop along their journey reveals an illustrated money bag and a treasure map "X". Can you find them? Near the finish, Sis and Punkin uncover something more valuable than expected. Unravel the clues for a discovery, or two.