Tears on Paper has been both a curse and blessing to write and it has taken many years. The curse comes from truly diving into the reality of foreign pain and the ensuing inability to avoid it. The blessing is the fact that it presents a unique opportunity to lend my voice to those who feel voiceless.
Tears on Paper has many meanings like literal tears on a piece of paper. It is also the words that remain unspoken or perhaps destiny's creation. It is the eye in the sky perspective or a track of tears to follow. It is a stark realization that pain today can be joy tomorrow. It is dreams and pain taking flight and a reminder to trust your struggle.
Tears on Paper is the feeling of being free at last or awake for the first time. It is the reality that hurts my soul although in time there is change in hearts. It's a plea that love needs you perhaps more than you need love. Never more are you a victim because you are the creator of your truth. There is no shame in starting over, everything change IS begins with you.
When paper tears and you are granted the opportunity to start again, "nueva vida" is your reward and you have the most precious gift of all.... a new life to begin.
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