Whether you are a professional in the field of reading or an instructor whose specialization lies elsewhere, using this guide will help you maximize your students' abilities and augment their reading skills. This new reading guide will help you:
Construct effective three-part reading lessonsUse research-based strategies to improve fluency and comprehensionUtilize proven techniques to develop vocabularyOrganize and plan instructionCompare your classroom goals against national standardsIncludes mini-lessons that can be applied to any reading materials, additional strategies for use with your Jamestown books, graphic organizers, and a placement test to help you start students off at an appropriate reading level. The placement test was developed by Edward B. Fry, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University and author of Jamestown's Reading Improvement series and the Fry Readability Scale.
Use Teaching Reading with Jamestown to:
Organize your staff development programsTrain teachers new to the field of readingGet optimal use out of your Jamestown booksRelated Subjects
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