INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The Nature of Teaching 1.3 Teaching Aptitude 1.4 Definition 1.5 Teacher Aptitude 1.6 Concept of Teaching 1.7 What is teaching? 1.8 Teacher 1.9 Teaching as a profession 1.10 The Aim of Teaching 1.11 Different types of teaching techniques 1.12 Teaching process 1.13 Methods of teaching 1.14 Importance of Education in Human Life 1.15 Psychological Well-being 1.16 Definition 1.17 Heritability 1.18 Happiness 1.19 Mental Health 1.20 Components of the Mental Health 1.21 Well being 1.22 Facets of well-Being 1.23 Summary,
INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction: An aptitude is a component of a competence to do a certain kind of work at a certain level. Outstanding aptitude can be considered "talent". An aptitude may be physical or mental. Aptitude is inborn potential to do certain kinds of work whether developed or undeveloped. Ability is developed knowledge, understanding, learned or acquired abilities (skills) or attitude. The innate nature of aptitude is in contrast to skills and achievement, which represent knowledge or ability that is gained through learning. At the dawn of the 21st century, the education of the young to take up the challenges of the new millennium has assumed great importance. The young today are facing a world in which communication and information revolution has led to changes in all spheres: scientific, technological, political, economic, social and cultural. To be able to prepare our young people face the future with confidence, purpose and responsibility, the crucial role of teachers cannot be overemphasized. According to Gladwell (2008) and Colvin (2008) often it is difficult to set apart an outstanding performance merely because of talent or simply because of hard training. Talented people as a rule show high results immediately in few kinds of activity, but often only in single direction or genre A teaching method comprises the principles and methods used by teachers to enable student learning. These strategies are determined partly on subject matter to be taught and partly by the nature of the learner. For a particular teaching method to be appropriate and efficient it has to be in relation with the characteristic of the learner and the type of learning it is supposed to bring about. Suggestions are there to design and selection of teaching methods must take into account not only the nature of the subject