Tall Tales from Afar is a sympathetic and at times a bemused look at misunderstandings resulting from social and cultural differences. Nineteen short stories with unexpected endings, some of which are humorous and others as a result of some surprise happening. The stories take place in different parts of the world and include the USA, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Italy, France, Afghanistan, the Caribbean, Australia, Bahrain, China, and the UK. The stories are a light-read allowing the reader to pick up or put down the book at any moment whether waiting for an appointment, travelling, on holiday, in bed or in hospital.
A Difficult Negotiation relates how business customs can vary in different cultures and how for those unaccustomed to the differences negotiating a contract can have unexpected consequences.
The Penance tells of a young farmhand dominated by a devout mother who presses him to go to the local church to confess his sins with a surprising outcome.
... plus 17 others