RUCKER'S FOREWORD: Can you imagine how tough it is for a dog to learn to write a book? I know I worked with him a whole year to teach him how to hold a pen in his paw, to roll his eyes to the ceiling in thought and chew on the eraser, to keep his paws and tail off the paper and so forth. If it hadn't been for me I don't think old Worthwhilecoulda' pulled It off. And how do you like that for a name anyway, WORTHWHILE Give me a break. WORTHWHILE'S RESPONSE: Rucker didn't help me at all I practically did the whole thing myself. Maybe he helped me on the paste-up, but for that I've got to give him credit in my book? I'm the one who has my own doghouse WITHa library. In the bottom drawer of my file cabinet I keep my notes and observations on silly activities of humans and it is these contents I wish to share with you in TALES OF THE WORTHWHILE DOG.