Tai Chi Class Specifically for Women
When you look at the balance of fitness routines recommended for health and longevity, it turns out that most of them were designed for men. They fit men's personalities, muscle structure and physique. Fitness programs for women have often just been watered down men's workouts. But women have different needs when it comes to health and fitness. In this program, David-Dorian Ross guides you through a Tai Chi workout designed especially for women.
Women, more than men, need a workout that both strengthens the bones and calms the immune system. Women are far more susceptible to autoimmune diseases than men, including
This short Tai Chi routine can be a perfect daily workout for women. It promotes balance, coordination, and strength, supports the immune system, and raises your spirit. The best news is that there is nothing to "learn" in this program. You won't have to memorize a complicated routine or keep working to perfect any movement. Just follow us for fun, and you'll experience the healing benefits of Tai Chi.