The System is here. Are you ready for it?
What if a globally coordinated effort to control humanity has been in the works for years, if not decades? What if the "system" produced by this joint effort was taking shape before our very eyes, right here and now?
The hard truth is that it is taking shape right now, and in the plain view of the public.
In System of the Beast, Brian M. Rossiter navigates through the sea of lies and deceptions involved within the virus agenda of 2020 and reveals the startling truth behind it all. Far from being a seemingly endless series of errors and coincidences, there is clear intentionality in nearly every detail of the world's first (and only) truly global crisis.
More than a mere transitory phenomenon, the events of the last two years are proving to have everlasting significance. God revealed long ago that there would someday be an end to our current age. The Bible explains that the last days will involve a great apostasy, a grand Lie, and the arrival of a Delusion that will seal the fates of many. Likewise, it warns about an emerging system that will "mark" the people of the world as members of Satan's counter-church. As Rossiter carefully details from both Scripture and the unique events of our time, all these prophecies are becoming realities.