A Formal Concept View of Abstract Argumentation.- Approximating Credal Network Inferences by Linear Programming.- A Comparative Study of Compilation-Based Inference Methods for Min-Based Possibilistic Networks.- Qualitative Combination of Independence Models.- A Case Study on the Application of Probabilistic Conditional Modelling and Reasoning to Clinical Patient Data in Neurosurgery.- Causal Belief Networks: Handling Uncertain Interventions.- On Semantics of Inference in Bayesian Networks.- Evaluating Asymmetric Decision Problems with Binary Constraint Trees.- On the Equivalence between Logic Programming Semantics and Argumentation Semantics.- A Fuzzy-Rough Data Pre-processing Approach for the Dendritic Cell Classifier.- Compiling Probabilistic Graphical Models Using Sentential Decision Diagrams.- Independence in Possibility Theory under Different Triangular Norms.- Probabilistic Satisfiability and Coherence Checking through Integer Programming.- Extreme Lower Previsions and Minkowski Indecomposability.- Qualitative Capacities as Imprecise Possibilities.- Conditional Preference Nets and Possibilistic Logic.- Many-Valued Modal Logic and Regular Equivalences in Weighted Social Networks.- Zero-Probability and Coherent Betting: A Logical Point of View.- Conditional Random Quantities and Iterated Conditioning in the Setting of Coherence.- Distance-Based Measures of Inconsistency.- Safe Probability: Restricted Conditioning and Extended Marginalization.- Maximin Safety: When Failing to Lose Is Preferable to Trying to Win.- Weighted Regret-Based Likelihood: A New Approach to Describing Uncertainty.- Structural Properties for Deductive Argument Systems.- Measuring Inconsistency through Minimal Proofs.- Representing Synergy among Arguments with Choquet Integral.- A Reasoning Platform Based on the MI Shapley Inconsistency Value.- Most Inforbable Explanations: Finding Explanations in Bayesian Networks That Are Both Probable and Informative.- Structure Approximation of Most Probable Explanations in Bayesian Networks.- Argumentation Based Dynamic Multiple Criteria Decision Making.- Conditional Beliefs in a Bipolar Framework.- Detecting Marginal and Conditional Independencies between Events and Learning Their Causal Structure.- Measuring Incompleteness under Multi-valued Semantics by Partial MaxSAT Solvers.- On the Tree Structure Used by Lazy Propagation for Inference in Bayesian Networks.- Hierarchical Model for Rank Discrimination Measures.- Extreme Points of the Credal Sets Generated by Elementary Comparative Probabilities.- MCMC Estimation of Conditional Probabilities in Probabilistic Programming Languages.- Sorted-Pareto Dominance and Qualitative Notions of Optimality.- A First-Order Dynamic Probability Logic.- Selecting Source Behavior in Information Fusion on the Basis of Consistency and Specificity.- On the Problem of Reversing Relational Inductive Knowledge Representation.- Analogical Proportions and Multiple-Valued Logics.- Chain Graph Interpretations and Their Relations.- On the Plausibility of Abstract Arguments.