The collection is comprised of 40 reprinted articles grouped into six sections. Section 1 is concerned with the interface between climate change, water resources and public health. The water-related impacts of climate change on agriculture and, subsequently, on public health are also assessed. Agricultural water management is covered in Section 2. Novel water retention and nutrient management technologies and strategies are introduced. Some articles deal with the water-energy-food nexus: (a) the nexus accessibility and tracking progress towards achieving the sustainable development goals; (b) the interplay of the water-energy security and food consumption patterns towards achieving nutrition security; and (c) gender and other vulnerabilities to water-energy accessibility in rural households. Sustainable flood retention basins and other drainage systems are analyzed and assessed in the third section. Methods to evaluate the risk of dam failure are proposed. The prediction of multiple functions of sustainable flood retention basins under uncertainty via multi-instance, multi-label learning is covered. Section 4 deals with water quality challenges and treatment technologies. The response of eutrophication on nutrients and hydrological regimes is assessed. The collection also deals with activated carbon, pyrolysis and graphene practices in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 covers topical water system modeling challenges such as water pipe leakage control topics.