See below for English description.
S bastien et F lix se disputent le record de celui qui attrapera le plus de flocons avec sa langue. Vingt flocons ont atterri sur celle de S bastien. Au moment o il se pr cipite pour attraper le 21e, c'est sa langue qui atterrit... sur un poteau de fer Quelle id e en plein hiver
Comment sortira-t-on S bastien de ce p trin?
S bastien and F lix are competing against each other to see who will catch the most snowflakes on their tongue. Twenty snowflakes land on S bastien's, but as he's about to catch the 21st one, his tongue lands on... a frozen metal pole Not the best situation to be in when it's the dead of winter...
How will S bastien get out of this sticky situation?
Not published in English.