A little yellow kitten is purchased from a pet store and brought to live on a beautiful beach. His new owner, Granny Sue, runs a snack stand on the beach and names the kitten "Sunset". One day, while she is busy making hot dogs and burgers, Sunset decides to run off and explore the beach. He meets many new animal friends, but eventually he is found by the police and they bring him home, to the relief of a worried Granny Sue. The seasons change, summer passes into winter, and Sunset gets bigger. One beautiful sunny spring morning, an almost-fully-grown Sunset can't resist the urge to run off again. But he soon discovers the world treats a mischevious cat much differently than a playful kitten, and he learns a valuable lesson about getting older. The message, however, is not sold in a preachy way, and the book is full of amazing illustrations and wonderful moments that parents will love to share with their young children.