Dear Sister/Brother,
Come walk with me on this transformative, poetic journey of pain, loss, trauma, heartbreak, tears and disappointment and watch as the path slowly curves and blossoms into a path of resiliency, hope, endurance, patience, discovery, and a deeper level of empathy for mankind.
Now, my mind is clear and no longer tied in one big knot.
Keep pressing forward, girl, and use this pen with all your might and all you've got.
I see now why my mind was twisted and why I felt confused.
There was more to write about than discrimination and government abuse.
I am relieved to be one and connect with the root of it all.
This unknown poem was ready and I needed to answer its call.
Smarts, you say, man, this right here, is a potent agent.
To bring words together in such a way in a concise and powerful arrangement...