In seven decades, one year and six months Sue Ann (granny) has seen many changes. The world that is here today is completely different from what it was seventy-one years ago. This is the first in a series of books that talks about the way it was then and now. All the changes through the years have not been for the best. By gaining more technical knowledge, we have lost a lot of values. Many families no longer spend time together or even share a meal together.
COVID 19 is a good time for us all to stop and slow down. Take time to have home cooked meals with the whole family. Turn off the TV and listen to each other. Play non-computer related games.
This is a story about when life was simple, and children were truly put first. It was a time of no phones, no TV. It was a time of no indoor plumbing, or hot water. It was also a time of adventure and fun.
It was a time of living in a beautiful valley that was surrounded by beautiful mountains on all sides. It was growing up in a valley that is full of history and mysterious happenings. Starting in the fifties the San Luis Valley has had a large amount of paranormal activity. Different lights and strange moving objects have been observed in the sky.
This is the story of Sue Ann's first ten years of life. Sue Ann is a wife, mom, a grandma (granny) and a great grandma. Sue Ann (granny) decided to share what life used to be like. While she realizes that life cannot go back to that time it is her hopes that people will take values from that time and apply them to today. Common sense, a sense of humor and faith are missing in many families.
Linda Lucero
I spent over fifty years in the work force. I am still involved in the work force doing home health care for my husband. I have lived for 71 years and 6 months, I have seen many changes in this world. Between us, my husband, Alex, and I have five children, one of which is deceased. We have 16 grandchildren and five great grandchildren, and a cat named Garfield.