We know an ingathering of many souls is coming. What will encourage the saints to move in revival glory? What will a healthy, as well as healing, fear of the Lord bring to the body of Christ? What will the Holy Spirit be doing when He comes amongst the saints? Will He bring restoration to millions? Will the gifts of the Holy Spirit be restored to everyone who names the Name of Jesus? Will relationships between Adam and Eve's offspring be healed? Will signs and wonders accompany the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ? Will all who call themselves 'Christian' realize denominationalism is not a God idea? Will we start to move in revelation power; deciding to forsake the showmanship of the world? Will all of Abraham's children come home; learning how to live in the same proverbial house? Will spiritual mothers be restored to the body of Christ as husbands and wives grow in the love of Christ? Will the body of Christ learn what it means to become the bride of Christ? Are there any real answers to these questions? Reverend Chris Meier shares what the Bible says about these topics and more in this insightful new book.