Chapter 1: The one-electron atom.- Chapter2: Atoms with two or more electrons - symmetries.- Chapter3: Approximation methods.- Chapter4: The spin-orbit interaction.- Chapter5: The central-field approximation.- Chapter6: Coupling of angular momenta - the vector model.- Chapter7: LS-coupling.- Chapter8: jj-coupling.- Chapter9: Other coupling schemes -Intermediate cases.- Chapter10: Nuclear effects.- Chapter11: The Zeeman effect.- Chapter12: The Stark effect.- Chapter13: Complex and exotic excitations.- Chapter14: Numerical solutions of the atomic Schr?dinger equation.- Appendix A: Atomic units.- Appendix B: Radial hydrogenic wave functions.- Appendix C: Angular momentum.- Appendix D: Coulomb and Exchange integrals.- Appendix E: Electron spin.- Appendix F: Magnetic interactions in multielectron atoms.- Index.