The papers appeared in the following journals during 2000:
Journal of Constructional Steel Research P.J. Dowling, J.E. Harding, R. Bjorhovde
Thin Walled Structures J. Loughlan, K.P. Chong Engineering Structures P.L. Gould Computers and Structures K.J. Bathe, B.H.V. Topping Construction and Building Materials M.C. Forde Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Areodynamics N.P. Jones Marine Structures P.A. Frieze, A. Mansour, T. YaoEach paper appears in the same format as it was published in the journal; citations should be made using the original journal publication details.
It is intended that this compendium will be the first in a series of such collections. A compendium has also been published in the area of geotechnical engineering.