Hayama returned to her place of origin and left her infant son in the care of his father as she set out on a new venture to pursue her goals, which she believed were crucial for her existence.
Robin had to quit his job because he was unable to find a reliable babysitter, and his family members were hesitant to take on the responsibility of caring for the newborn. Therefore, he decided to take on the task of looking after the baby himself. After a while, Hayama and Robin parted ways and Hayama started a new relationship with another man. Robin encountered great difficulties in preserving a state of self-respect amidst the challenges of unemployment, heartbreak, and assuming the duties of nurturing a four-month-old child. By maintaining a steadfast commitment to his convictions and upholding ethical principles, he encountered considerable consequences that irreversibly shattered him. I, who was hurt and broken, ended up in a government hospital one night. Koji had a high fever. The hospital was free, but the medicine was not, and I had run out of money. The doctor advised me to purchase certain medications as Koji would likely need to stay in the hospital for one or two days, or even longer if necessary. The doctor examining my appearance inquires if I have any money for medicine. ''No. Right now, I don't have any money. Isn't this a public hospital, and isn't the medicine free?" I, on the verge of tears, inquired. "The facility and the doctor's fee are free, but the medicine is not. We must confine your son for further examination. Are you the one who looks after him?" The doctor inquired. ''Yes..'' I replied quietly. "You require assistance. You need someone to keep an eye on him while you go out to buy medicine, or someone to do it for you. What happened to the baby's mother?" The doctor asked.