Who will read this book?
The methods and tactics presented in this book are based on 40 years of learning, practicing, teaching, researching, training based self-defense. The author has learned many of these techniques, concepts from thousands of his students, his days in a gang and from his life street experiences.
No martial arts experience required; Simple techniques anyone can learn who don't have the time to take a self-defense or martial arts class. Learn how to become a "hard target" and not a "soft target" Real-life stories and incidents are included to demonstrate what felons look for in a victim. You will learn how to avoid being targeted and what to do in a confrontation. Teach you in plain English with the truth and to the point.
This book will teach you:
How to prevent and deal with the most common attacks against women and men, in an elevator, parking lot, your car, driving, at the mall, at the bank, at the ATM, home invasion, traveling abroad, in a public restroom, riding a bus, plus:
Using verbal techniques to stop a confrontation. How to place an emergency call - Woman college safety - Sorority - Fraternity - Sexting - How to defend against attempted rape - Date rape drugs - Cyber safety - Identity theft- Meet someone on the web without any danger - How the street Predator thinks and act - sucker punch - Dangerous Cities/USA Neighborhood- Terrorism - Mass shooting - Hostage - Lone Wolf- Flash - Mob Riot - Hijacking - Legal issues in Self-Defense - Stand your ground - Retreat - Castle Doctrine - Recognize a dangerous person or situation - Learn how to defend yourself to win a Violent Encounter - Plus much more...